All About Eyebrow Makeup

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As a woman we know that one feature of our beauty cannot stand alone. Sure that feature can be beautiful in its own right but to be truly beautiful all components must mesh. Eyes, cheeks, lips, brows….. and anyone intent on looking really put together knows the eyebrows are the glue that holds it altogether.
Thank Goodness for Eyebrow Makeup and eyebrow tattoo Brisbane.
Eyebrows are so easily overlooked but are also so effective in changing ones look. Thick heavy brows scream look at me so nothing else on the face is noticed whereas thin brows can completely detract from the upper portion of your face so all anyone notices is your nose. Not so good if you have a big nose.
But be careful! If you opt for an overly thin brow you will find an equally negative effect. A overly thin brow can give you a washed out and extremely outdated look, especially if you are graced with blonde or even light brown eyebrows. Not only does a thin brow grant you a premature aged look, your eyebrows gray and thin even more as you get older and who wants to look like they have no eyebrows? Not me, I can assure you.
Ideally you want your makeup to draw attention to the eyes themselves. The saying that the eyes are a mirror of the soul is evidence that you want your eyes to pop. Well groomed eyes with poorly done eyebrow makeup will do nothing to make your eyes pop, and actually create a negative effect.

Perhaps you are one of the women who prefer a more natural look and don’t wear makeup and for this reason, neglect your eyebrows. Well I can assure you that if you read a little further, you too will be a believer and want to try a little eyebrow makeup yourself.
Well done eyebrow makeup can transform an ordinary face into a vision of stunning beauty. It takes someone from blending into the crowd, to standing out in the crowd. Ordinary, to extraordinary.

To achieve this eye catching brow, you should consider seeing a professional to shape your desired arch at first. Often when a person shapes their own eyebrow they tend to pluck again their natural arch and are not presenting their brow in the most effective manner. Once your brow has grown in so that the desired arch and length of brow is achieved, you should be able to maintain the upkeep of your eyebrow yourself.
It is also recommended not to wax your own brow as you can’t place the wax as precisely as a professional would resulting in too much of your brow being waxed off. No amount of eyebrow makeup can can fix every goof up but it can certainly come close.
Using long time after gorgeous brows, many ladies are biting the bullet and committing to semi-permanent eyebrow tattoos in their own willing– a trend that's exploded in the Australia in this year ..
Ideally you want to choose an eyebrow makeup color that is one shade lighter than your true brow color. The exception to this rule is if you have light blonde hair. You would want one shade darker in this case so as to avoid losing your brow color altogether.
