
All About Eyebrow Makeup

As a woman we know that one feature of our beauty cannot stand alone. Sure that feature can be beautiful in its own right but to be truly beautiful all components must mesh. Eyes, cheeks, lips, brows….. and anyone intent on looking really put together knows the eyebrows are the glue that holds it altogether. Thank Goodness for Eyebrow Makeup and eyebrow tattoo Brisbane . Eyebrows are so easily overlooked but are also so effective in changing ones look. Thick heavy brows scream look at me so nothing else on the face is noticed whereas thin brows can completely detract from the upper portion of your face so all anyone notices is your nose. Not so good if you have a big nose. But be careful! If you opt for an overly thin brow you will find an equally negative effect. A overly thin brow can give you a washed out and extremely outdated look, especially if you are graced with blonde or even light brown eyebrows. Not only does a thin brow grant you a premature aged look, your eyebr